The Devil Dog Squadron is a volunteer organization of the CAF, dedicated to flying, maintaining and preserving a WWII B-25 bomber, the Devil Dog. The Devil Dog represents a PBJ, the Marine Corps version of a B-25.
The squadron's volunteers come from all walks of life and have wide variety of backgrounds. It takes many different skills to make the group successful.
If you are interested in helping to preserve the Devil Dog the are many opportunities to do so. The monthly staff meetings are open to the public and are a good chance to meet the members and learn more about the group (and there is often a BBQ lunch!).
We encourage you to explore our site to learn more about PBJs, the Devil Dog Squadron and the Commemorative Air Force.
Giving history a future requires support. The Devil Dog Squadron relies on support from personal and business donations to cover the ongoing operating, maintenance and restoration costs.
This is a flyover for the East Texas State Fair for a 7:05PM FlyOver then return to Georgetown.
We like taking pictures and videos of the Devil Dog - it's such a fine looking airplane.